Monday, November 30, 2009

Just Imagine...

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

Sometimes when I am in deep pain I like to imagine things. Using my imagination gives me a little a respite.

When you are in pain, just imagine...

Imagine you are under a waterfall where the water is the love of God. Imagine the love God is pouring down over you. Imagine the love of God soaking into your heart, life, and body. Imagine for as long as you can.

We do not need to imagine much because no matter how much we imagine, your imagination and my imagination cannot come close to the reality of God pouring His love over us.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Assign A Purpose To Your Pain

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

The worst part of living in pain is there is no purpose to the pain. The pain hurts and hurts some more with no purpose. To combat this injustice of injustices, you have to assign a purpose to your pain. Since your pain does not come from God, you can choose to glorify God as a result of your suffering. No matter what you do, assign a reason or purpose for every minute you live. Assign a reason or purpose for every response you make in regard to your suffering. Assigning a reason or purpose to your suffering gives you a power in face of purposeless suffering that takes away your power.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Mistakes Along The Way

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

It would be great if we lived a mistake free life. However, we make mistakes, especially if we live a life in pain. Pain dulls our senses and our sensibilities in many ways. Pain degrades our decision-making abilities. Pain lessens our ability to make accurate assessments. Our personalities are directly impacted by the pain we suffer. All these markers, taken together, set us up to make more mistakes than we would make if we were pain-free.

Nearly all of my regrets are centered on what I did not do, the silence I kept when I could have spoken, the love I did not show, and the compassion I did not extend. However, the raw mistakes do haunt me.

I do live in the full knowledge God forgives. God understands. Somehow, some way, God sets things aright both in my life and in your life if we fully repent and fall before Him in love and contrition.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Thursday, November 26, 2009

When You Want To Put An End To It

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

When you want to put an end to your pain, you might also want to put an end to you. I am being realistic here. We must not live in denial about what pain does to us. We must not live in denial about the terrible depression pain can bring. We must not live in denial about thinking about how life would be better for us if life was over.

HOWEVER, we are not to go into the territory of taking our life. We are not to go into the territory of thinking about taking our life. Your life, although you might have unstoppable pain, has infinite value. You must trust your life is so valuable, your great adversary has found it necessary to wound you and make you hurt. Your life is so valuable, the satanic darkness of the universe has chosen to afflict you to slow you down or stop you from walking more fully with God each day.

After all, you are hurting because Satan wants you to hurt. Someday you will hurt no more into eternity because Christ does not want you to hurt ever again.

In your darkest moments, live in the knowledge and wisdom you are loved by God...held by Him in the palm of His hand...and carried by Him every second you are alive.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Holidays And Pain

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

The holidays start tomorrow. There have been years when I dreaded seeing Thanksgiving and Christmas. Most of the reason for my dread was because I had to operate on someone else's schedule. In my pain and disability, I can't even operate on my schedule, let alone other folks.

So what do we do when we hurt and we are supposed to be lighthearted and happy. Well, you got to grin and bear it. Smile, be nice, caring, kind, compassionate, and attentive. Keep your mouth shut about how much you hurt. I know you have trouble carrying the burden. If there is anything at all we need, it is for someone to help us carry our cross. However, we need to put others first and keep our mouth shut about our pain, especially during holiday festivities. I know what I am saying is hard to take, even harder to do. But we have no business taking anyone down with our burden. Our burden is ours to bear. Let us all get as strong as we can and be a light to others, even if we are in darkness ourselves.

Do what God wants you to do and pick others up, even if you are down. You will be blessed if you do so.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Say "No!!!"

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

When the pain ramps up and I start twinging, cramping, spasming, and hurting out of my mind, I stop for just a minute. In the painful mess I am in, I tell the pain an emphatic "No!!!"

Then I wait a few seconds and repeat the process.

Satan the pain-maker wants us to quit. Saying "No!!!" goes a long way toward keeping us keeping on.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Saturday, November 21, 2009

When There Is No Answer To "Why?"

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

I gave up asking "why" a long time ago. Even if I had found a clear answer, my pain would remain. Perhaps the best answer to "why?" resides somewhere between heaven and hell. All the hurt, pain, and suffering comes from Satan, but why does God permit the hurt to be? Did God know in advance I was going to hurt like this? Did I know in advance before I was born? Sometimes I have a clear answer to these questions, tonight as I write this, no so much.

I think I knew in advance. I agreed to it. Knowing someday I would not be hurting because Jesus and me would be together again. Pain is purifying to an extent. After you hurt for years, you begin to see through people and circumstances. Like you have an x-ray eye.

Although I don't know why, I do know someday my pain will end. I will live in peace and glory unending. All because Jesus loves me this I know.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pain Makes It Never Enough

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

Here is the truth. Pain robs you. Pain cheats you. Pain takes away from your life. Because pain does what pain does, because pain robs, cheats, and takes away, you are always lacking.

As a result of the above, you can live in bitterness, hatred, revenge, or fuming anger. You can live in emotional poverty. You can live in spiritual poverty. However, with God on your side, you need never live in any kind of negative emotional or spiritual poverty.

Like me, you have pain, but in spite of the pain you can be an abundant person inside yourself. Even in your pain you can express love. Even in your pain, you can show others they are important. Even in your pain, you can give thanks for the painful life God has given you because your pain has opened your heart to His love.

I fully understand pain tears away at your ability to be grateful. However, there is one area where God shields all of us and that area is the ability to look up and say "thank you" to God for aspects of our life.

God is with you in your every response to pain. God answers every prayer you pray in response to your pain. Christ knows the depth of your darkness as no other person can know your darkness. Christ is with you forever. His love covers you every moment. So when you want more because life is never enough, grasp Christ's hand to touch infinity.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Inching Along

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

Football is referred to as a game of inches. So is living in pain. There are times when my pain gets so intense and so diverse (hurtin' everywhere) to make any forward progress at all is to move forward one inch at a time. However, your heart, life, and soul bless God when you are moving forward, even one inch at a time. I need my times of rest and respite. However, if your pain is like my pain, you may sleep but you don't recuperate. Respite turns out to be a diversion. Praying is sometimes a matter of motion rather than contact with God. However, God knows all about you and your pain. He knows all about me and my pain. He sees both of us crawling. He places His healing hand of comfort and love upon us as we try to turn what is dark into a time of His Light.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Unwritten Hymns

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

In pain, there is a lot of life experience lost. Some of us who live in pain get to express some of the pain through the arts. There are times, especially in the last few days, I feel like I have a thousand unwritten hymn lyrics in my soul. There are times my soul aches from not having a gift for music and hymn writing. It's one of those grass is always greener things. Poets want to be bakers and bakers want to be poets. In the pain put upon us, God gives us some other kind of gift to compensate for the loss we feel as a result of the pain. Some of the most beautiful and touching art, music, and literature was written in pain. Some of the best care-givers, doctors, nurses, designers, people in any profession, are people who achieved not only in spite of their pain, but most importantly, because of their pain.

Perhaps God has a way in His infinite power and wisdom to get my unwritten hymns out into the hearts of others. May His will be done this moment.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hurt And Pain That Never Leaves

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

Today was a day of weeping...a time of intense pain. Stuff long buried but unforgotten in my heart. I carry stuff and will carry the pain till I see Jesus. Then all the hurt will be no more.

I am better now. A little calmer. A little more at piece. Less physical hurt. More attuned to Jesus' love. Thank you, Lord Jesus for giving me healing tears.

We have hurts. We do not all have a lifetime of hurt. For those of you who must live like I live, we will indeed fly away.

It is the music making the healing tears flow. Those old hymns. They get me every time. You and me, we will be healed.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Monday, November 16, 2009

Use Your Pain

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

Either your pain will use you, or you will use your pain.

Most of the time, pain uses me. Suffering beats me down into the ground. However, once in a while, I can rise up and use the pain for God's purpose and will. Taking charge of the satanic attack of pain is God's will for you.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Dedicate Your Response To Your Pain To Christ

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

For you to succumb to your pain and give up is not the will of God. Satan is the author of your pain. Make Christ the finisher of your pain. When you hurt, make a constructive, healthy, and purposeful response when you hurt. I have hurt all my life in one way or another. More often than not, I failed to make a purposeful response to the pain. When I began to respond to the pain by dedicating my response to the pain to Christ, I began to see victory. Victory does not mean I feel better or hurt less. Victory means the pain does not kill me, defeat me, or stop me. I cannot claim total victory because there are moments when I can't keep pushing on. However, I can claim partial victory. The victory I achieve is the work I do for Christ by ministering to others on my web site and here on this blog. In your life, make your pain response a response Christ wants you to make. Total victory comes later in heaven when there shall be no more pain.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

A Must Read Book If You Are In Pain

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

A number of years ago, I ran across one of the most tremendous books ever written on dealing with adversity like pain, sickness, or disability. The book is about conquering cancer, but the basic principles apply to any person facing any kind of adversity whatsoever. The name of the book is "The Cancer Conqueror" by Greg Anderson

Applying the principles can change your life.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Accepting The Reality Of The Way Of Pain

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

We need to accept we live in pain. To try to run away from our pain, to reject our problem of the pain, to live a lie about our pain, is destructive to us. We need to accept we have a problem when we really have a problem. We must not live in denial. My pain is directly associated with my disabilities. I have found in the past, and still find, acceptance of my limitations, disabilities, and pain a real test. I grew up thinking and still believe a person can do anything the person puts the person's mind to. Acceptance helps us get control when control may be limited. When we accept our reality, we have a chance (not a certainty) at controlling our circumstances. I may not be able to control my pain, but I can control what I let the pain do to me.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

Dealing with my pain is war!!! Dealing with my pain is war because Satan, who is the cause of my pain and your pain, wants to kill me and kill you. Eventually Satan will kill us both, but not before I have glorified my Lord Jesus like I am doing now. In this war we can cave in and never glorify anything or anyone. Sometimes the battle gets too much and we may want to quit.

I have never quit. I have had to take a rest or respite. But I've never walked away. You, in your pain, must never walk away either. Hold fast, win the war!!! It may look like you are losing the battle, but if you keep the faith, eventually, you and our Lord together will win the war.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Touching God In Your Pain

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

Touching God in your pain is not impossible. Even if you get just a brush with His presence, you will never forget. Even just a brush of His presence can sustain you. More than a brush with His presence can heal you now, heal you in eternity, or both.

Last night or earlier this morning I was holding the paper upon which my prayer list is printed. Perhaps in Christ's love, the touch of the paper in my hand gave me His wisdom that the paper was Him. The paper was Christ because Christ is in all things. Then I saw the names. All those lives. All the hurt, pain, travail, tears, sin, brokenness, and needs. I am immersed in Him and the paper reminded me He is in me. The touch of the paper was just a reminder but a powerful reminder He and I cannot really be separated.

When you think upon these things, He is in all. A nut and bolt, your hard drive, your chair, no matter what the item, He is there, for God created the matter of the item.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Shunning Attention, Keeping Silent

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

When you are in pain, you want attention. Wanting attention is natural. Getting attention helps us shoulder the burden pain puts on us. For reasons I cannot identify, somewhere, somehow, sometime, I made an active decision to shun getting attention when I hurt. I am less able to shun attention to my pain now that I am older because the older I get, the more I hurt, the more visible my pain becomes to my family, and the less I am able to "keep the complaining inside."

However, in Christ's love, we need to put others first. Complaining puts a big, maybe terrible, burden on others.

However, when you live in pain, you do need someone to vent to. I've seen only a couple of counselors since my pain ramped up. Counselors are good in many respects. But counselors aren't as good as a fellow sufferer. A fellow sufferer with a sense of humor is the best. Goofiness in pain helps take the edge off, especially if two goofy sufferers know each other well for a long time. I have a friend of 50 years who I vent to and he vents to me. God bless you Gerry. I am praying hard for you every day.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Burning For Glory After Humilitation And Shame

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

I can't cite examples. But people who have experienced massive humiliation and shame can have a passion to achieve fame and glory. It seems fame and glory is like a drug of choice when a person has been been drowned in humiliation and shame. Sometimes I want to erase all those deep dark moments of humiliation and shame I had to carry. In the background of my mind, I had this burning desire to super-achieve, over-achieve, and gain some form of fame. Fortunately for me, God had other plans. Beautifully, God has kept me humble. Tragically for others, countless others we hear about in public life, some people who come from humble beginnings have a tendency, nearing a death wish, to implode when they achieve fame and glory. Especially is the implosion evidenced in show business when the glory and fame act almost like a cancer to eat away the soul of a performer.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

I have failed miserably over the course of my life because of circumstances I could not control or because of my ignorance of forthcoming events. I carried a mountain of regret, and still carry regret over these matters. If you have lived a lifetime of pain, you too, are likely to have regrets. Never, never, never let anyone tell you that you should not feel regret. Regret is a good and even wonderful thing. Regret means you care. Regret means you have a heart beating in you doing something more than pumping blood. Regret means you have a conscience. Regret means God is constantly with you talking to you and always knocking on the door of your heart. As much as I am able, I take all my regrets to the foot of Christ's cross. Only Jesus is able to wipe away the tears and the regret. Only Jesus can clear and clean my conscience or your conscience. So when regrets and guilt begin to build, remember Jesus is just an instant away. Remember Jesus died to wash away your regrets over mistakes and failures, even mistakes and failures that were not your fault.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sometimes I Want To Give Up

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

If you share in a lifetime of pain, like me, sometimes you want to give up. Sometimes I cannot go forward because of physical difficulties I cannot control. Sometimes the next moment seems insurmountable. And I get tired of fighting against all the obstacles. I've even tried to find someone to take over the ministry. However, the Lord has been lifting me up, keeping me going, pushing, pushing, pushing, and inspiring, inspiring, inspiring, all to do His work. When you want to give up, put off giving up for a while, maybe a long while. Funny how the Lord gets behind you and keeps you going :)

Keep the faith people. We will all win.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Diversions When I Hurt

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

Our theology as a Christian faith is solid when we need help in dealing with suffering. However, scripture words do not make my pain go away. I know there are Christian brothers and sisters who do not hurt who say, "Well, you just gotta believe." Sorry folks, hurt, pain, and belief are like oil of water sometimes. They don't always mix. The reality is, pain is the mountain. Christ is the helper to get over the mountain. My analogy isn't very good either because sometimes my pain is a barrier between me and Christ, which is Satan's objective in making me hurt. Satan wants to drive a wedge or build a wall between me and Christ by using pain against me. Pain is Satan's weapon. But what do we do? Sometimes we just have to hang in there. We have to hang tough. One thing we can do is pray for others when we don't want to pray. You don't have to want to pray to pray. When you hurt, praying is hard to do. Sometimes, praying is the last thing in the world you want to do when you hurt. However, even though you might not know it, Christ is nearer to you when you hurt than you can ever know. Christ shares your pain. Christ knows your pain because he suffered as no one else has ever suffered.

I do not agree with those ministers, theologians, and lay persons who say "It is God's will" when you hurt. Christ did not come into the world to make me hurt. Christ came as the great physician who will take away my pain.

I do some visualization when I hurt. I visualize the love of God in the form of a light pouring down from Heaven pouring over my body. This visualization does not take away my pain, but the visualization does give me peace and a sense of God's presence.

Another thing I do is use music. I am sort of an old musician. Music can touch me and move me more than any other art form. I grew up in a Baptist church in Waldron, IN and we sang all the old standard hymns. Gene, who played the piano by ear, made such an enormous impact on my life. I know Gene is upstairs having a great time with the Lord. Thank you, Gene. I like a lot of other music genres in addition to gospel.

If I am down and depressed some of the music forms touch me, especially gospel, and the tears flow. Crying is God's way of helping you vent some of the pain. Sometimes crying helps. Sometimes crying does not help. Just remember Christ's hand is on your shoulder and His love catches every tear you shed.

When you hurt you also need diversions to help you keep your mind from focusing on the pain. I know meditation specialists will disagree with this statement. Some meditation techniques teach you to focus on the pain you can can control the pain. I have tried these techniques and they have just never worked for me. Your mileage may vary if you get my drift. You still need to try meditation because millions of people find relief who can meditate.

Another diversion I use is sports, mostly Purdue sports broadcasts. I graduated from Purdue and I can get pretty wound up when Purdue is on the tube on on the radio. Getting wound up helps me forget about the pain for a little while.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Beginnings

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

I have never revealed much about myself on my website. Revealing personal things (to me) in my Christian ministry and writing takes away from telling others about the love of God. Maybe I have been wrong about this matter of semi-secrecy about myself.

I was born in 1944 in Indianapolis, IN on a snowy day in February. I was born with a facial deformity taking 20 years and 25 to 30 plastic surgeries to partially correct. One or two of the surgeries were done when I was a newborn. One was done when I was three years old. The rest were done between the ages of 13 years and 24 years. For the time the surgical procedures were done, I was blessed with pioneering work under the hands of Dr. Harold Trussler, Sr. in Indianapolis.

I am 65 and I still have noticeable scars from the surgeries. Some deformity remains. As a young person, I lived in unbelievable cringing helpless shame and humiliation until I was in my late twenties. In my twenties, I began to break away from the on-going shame and humiliation. During grade school and high school I was continually immersed in unbelievable emotional hurt. I never dated until I was out of college. God blessed me with a wonderful wife and son.

When I was young, I wanted to grow up because I perceived adults of being free of the heavy burdens I carried. I had friends but not too many close friends. Gerry, Joe Ed, Ronnie, and Nick were the best. These four people have no idea how much they helped me along in my trials. Everyone my age I grew up with would probably be shocked if they knew what I was going through in grade school and high school. All those years I pretended not be affected by my burdens. I was never in sports but was student manager for the basketball team, in band, 4-H, and all kinds of other youth activities. Looking back, God must have been pushing. In many respects, the pushing was worse than awful. My parents and family members of their generation were afraid I would become a recluse, which is what I wanted but they pushed and I was too complacent to revolt against them.

When I was 13 or 14 I started dragging. Everything became physically difficult up to a point. I stopped reading for the most part. I graduated from Purdue with both an Associate and Bachelor's Degree as pretty much a non-reader. When in high school I began to sleep a lot, experienced chronic fatigue, and muscle tiredness or weakness. Over forty years later I was diagnosed with narcolepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia which is a condition of being constantly in pain.

I never held a job for more than 18 months because the combination of narcolepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia burned me out no matter what I tried to do. So many times I considered myself a failure because by all accounts I had failed according to the way the world measures success. When I was young I wanted wealth but wealth has never come...only a level of financial poverty.

Yet in all the pain, hurt, and heartache, Jesus was there. When I was in my middle 30's, the Lord ordered me into the ministry. (His words to me were an ORDER, not a call.) I pastored a small church in the town I lived in, in Indiana, but only for about 18 months. The burdens got me again. I was later ordained by the Church of God headquartered in Anderson, IN in 1997. In 1998 we moved to Tucson at the Lord's unction. At first, we thought moving to a warmer climate would lessen my pain and fatigue but my pain and fatigue have remained.

In 1998 I started the ministry web site you see linked on every blog. The website has become one of the largest Christian sites in the world. By the time I go home to see the Lord, or maybe already, the site will have touched a million hearts.

I suffer every day but Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.

Now I will get a little preachy. Your life may never be what you want or expect your life to be. Just make sure in the valley of tears you walk, to live your life for Christ. Make your life be what Christ wants and what Christ expects. In the end when there will be no end, gloryland awaits above the clouds. There will be a day where there is no more mourning, death, crying, or pain.

You are never alone in your pain. Christ is with you and within you. Jesus is mine and Jesus is yours too.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Warning On Fentanyl Pain Patch

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

Because of the pain I must suffer, I went to a local rheumatologist a few weeks ago. He immediately put me on a Fentanyl Pain Patch. Within 6 days I was having stomach cramps so the doctor upped the dose. Other problems arose. I wanted off the patch so the doctor prescribed pills to lessen the withdrawal symptoms. Before I began using the patch I knew nothing about the medication. The doctor said the patch was a narcotic but nothing else. The withdrawal symptoms have persisted for the last seven days and can be described best by profanity which I will not use. Because of pending lawsuits these terrible pain patches will likely be taken off the market. Before you ever use these pain patches or any medication that is narcotic, do your research first. Do a google search to help you if you want to research this topic further.

Consider this blog post a warning to you and anyone else.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Why Should I Keep Going?

Pastor's Web Site Find The Power

I want relief. I want to stop the suffering or for the suffering to stop. Why should I hang on or hang in there with a God who does not bring me even a little comfort? Once in a while I have these thoughts. However, every time I have one of these thoughts I hear "The Voice" tell me "It's a war my son." Every time you turn away from God in your suffering Satan wins. The war is between God and Satan and you are the battlefield. No, it's not fair. However, if you hang on and hang in, you will see the glory of God and heaven if you have Christ as your Savior. I know in your suffering and in my suffering a lot this theological stuff just does not connect. I know my friend. I know all too well. However, even with a lifetime of suffering, we still have to bite the bullet. Our objective as sufferers must be total victory for Christ Jesus. Nothing more. Nothing less. One of Satan's greatest victories is to get you to turn away, to doubt, to not believe, to mock, to never accept there is a loving God, to give up. Don't believe Satan's trash talk. Satan lies and never tells the truth (unless Satan is trying to trap you with a truth). Never let up. Never give in. For one day you will be wrapped in the arms of Christ who will give you a new life with no suffering, no pain, just joy, peace, happiness, and love forever and ever.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord place His healing hands upon you to give you comfort and peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Praying To The Wall

Pastor's Web Site:  Find The Power

Sometimes I don't connect to God. Sometimes it as if He does not exist for me. All this, in part, is because of my pain and suffering put upon me by Satan. However, I pray anyway. I pray when I am sick, down, up, grieving, any mood, any time. Normally I go through my written list at night. Of course He and I talk a lot at other times, at least I talk and He listens. I started using a written list a few weeks ago because I can focus more on the people and not have to struggle through the pain to concentrate. Those of us who suffer, should be prayer warriors, even if it seems we are praying to the wall.

If you suffer, you know what I mean by praying to the wall. If you don't understand I will try to explain. The wall in the room where you pray or want to pray is plaster or wallboard covered with paint. The wall surely doesn't look like God. But think a minute. Who made the materials that go into the wall? Who holds the atoms and molecules together that make up the materials in the wall? Who keeps the electrons circling around the nucleus in each of the atoms? The answer to all these questions is: GOD

God isn't just in the wall or a part of the wall, God is the wall. Of all the ways we try to conceptualize God, we never think of God as a wall. I'm not being sacrilegious here. I am not being disrespectful or unloving to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ here. It is just a fact. God is everywhere, in everything, a part of everything. You cannot separate God into pieces either. You cannot say God is in a flower, or a dog, or a rug, and then say God is not in a rock, a piece of paper, or anything else. God is even in your computer holding it all together. Without God in our reality, there is nothing.

So when you pray and you hurt, if you don't believe because you hurt, or you doubt because you hurt, remember God and Jesus are the wall and pray to the wall.

May God bless you and keep you all of your days. May God place His healing hands of comfort on you and give you peace.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

What Do You Do When You Just Can't?

Pastor's Web Site: Find The Power
When all you can do is just sit and the suffering overwhelms you, you can remain. You can remain in God's love even when you don't feel His love. I know is sounds crazy, what I just wrote. What I just said about sitting and remaining in God's love when you don't feel His love is like sitting in nothing. However, even when you suffer, you can be a person of faith in God. I know He watches over me just like He watches over the sparrow. With limited vision I can see some purpose in His letting me suffer. If God had not let me suffer and made me like I am, I would not be writing these words to you so you could also be a person of faith. In spiritual terms, if you are suffering, I wrap my arms around you this moment so you know you are not really alone. God also wraps His arms around you too. When you are sitting in the suffering, talk to God. Even when it seems you are just talking to the wall, talk anyway because God is always listening.

May the Lord keep you, hold you, give you comfort, and give you peace in His love.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What Do I Do When I Hurt?

Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I take Tylenol. I pray for others. Reading is often beyond me. Now I blog.

Pain Is Loneliness

My ministry website:

Pain is loneliness. If you are in pain you can't give it away like you give a gift to someone. When you are in pain, the hard truth is, the pain is there in you and the pain (when the pain is bad enough) is all you have. When the pain eats you up, there is nothing left inside of you. This is the way the pain is with me and maybe you too. However, with me, even when the pain eats me up, God is still there with me and God is still there for me. The pain cannot completely destroy me because God is infinite. God has too much power to be eaten up by my pain. As I type these words, it is like He is in my head and hands guiding what I think and what I type.

When you are in a room with others and you are hurting, you can be with others physically but the hurt in you dominates you. This is the way the pain invades my life.

A long time ago, when I was writing about adversity in a persons life, the thought came to me (maybe I read it) adversity or pain make you bitter or better. I decided back when I wanted to be better and not bitter. The hand of God upon my life made me more sensitive, painfully sensitive, instead of making me full of anger and bitterness. I made the decision to be better, to make the pain make me better. Although sometimes God seems not to exist for me, I always know He is there, even in my pain. I know He is always there and has always been there, even when I was a child.

May Christ be with you, may He touch you, and may He give you comfort.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly

In The Beginning

My ministry website:

I know there are people like me. I know there are people all over the world who have lived and are now living a lifetime of pain. I am a minister. Ministers are supposed to have answers. Well, sometimes I do have answers. Other times, I don't have a clue. At 65 years of age, moving toward 66, you would think living a lifetime of pain would teach me things. Yesterday God told me I have suffered to soften me up. Well, if the Lord does not mind, I am soft enough. I have suffered enough. I have had more pain than I ever thought I could stand.

Even in the pain, I know God is with me. I don't know how He is with me. Or, where He is with me. Sure, I know He is within my heart. However, the pain drives God out. You don't feel real godly when every cell in your body is aching.

There are a lot of people in the Christian faith who do not understand a lifetime of pain because, praise God, they have lived pretty much pain free. Living in pain has little advantage. Think about it. The world would be a mess if everyone was in pain all the time. Civilization would never have advanced. Might even have died out if people were full of pain all the time. No inventions. No progress. No literature, art, language, music, sports, no progress. So it is good and great God permits most people to live relatively pain free.

But what about us? What about those of us who have lived doubled over in pain our whole life? What about those of us who have tried time after time to make it in the normal world but failed because we made so many mistakes because of our pain.

I have this theological position pain comes from Satan and comfort comes from God. I like this position. The theology behind this position is true and solid. However, it does not help me right now because I hurt and ache all over my body.

On my website I never say anything directly about myself because the website is about Christ and His work in the hearts of men and women.

I am starting this blog so others around the world like me will know they are not the only one who lives in the darkness and loneliness of pain.

May Christ be with you, may He touch you, and may He give you comfort.

Copyright 2009 Rev. Patrick Kelly